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CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes provides a broad range of programs and services caring for the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, especially the vulnerable and at risk.

Parents & Children

Our Parent Child Services support parents and families in creating supportive and nurturing environments that enable children to grow up healthy, confident and resilient.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

The primary focus of our Mental Health & Wellbeing Programs is to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of those suffering from mental illness, their carers and families.

Families & Relationships

Our Family and Relationship services support families during challenging circumstances and times of transition through a mix of individual and group-based activities.

Homelessness & Domestic Violence

Our Homelessness & Domestic Violence programs work proactively with those who are homeless or at risk with an emphasis on women and children escaping violence.

Financial Counselling

Our Financial Counselling and Capability Services empower clients and gives them understanding and the ability to take control of their financial situation through individual counselling, education workshops and community awareness campaigns.

Service Finder

Find the best service to help you, or someone you know, with our quick and easy Service Finder.

Upcoming Events

Staying Connected When Emotions Run High – For Carers: Dubbo workshop

Families, foster families, partners, friends and carers who support someone aged from 12 to 100 years: Staying Connected When Emotions Run High – For Carers is for you.

This free workshop will provide attendees with additional communication skills to support someone aged 12 years and up who experiences any of the following:

  • relationship difficulties
  • demonstrates changing emotions and strong overwhelming feelings that can make communication difficult
  • sometimes behaves in a way that makes them a danger to themselves or others.

These symptoms can be experienced in those with mental health issues, drug and alcohol dependence, developmental and learning disorders. This workshop aims to empower families and carers with relationship skills, understanding and hope.

Child, adolescent and family psychiatrist Dr Annemaree Bickerton and Family and Carer Mental Health Program clinical coordinator for the Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Toni Garretty bring their expertise to facilitate.

This workshop is free to attend, courtesy of sponsorship by CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes. Registrations are essential, and close on Monday February 17, 2025.

To RSVP phone 02 6883 4600 or email

Morning tea and lunch provided, please advise of any dietary requirements.

For further information contact:

Belinda Byrne

Phone: 0409 334 191



Kelly Leonard

Phone: 0419 869 961


Time : 8.45am sign-in, 9.15am start - 3.30pm

Date : 04/03/2025

Location : Dubbo RSL Club, 178 Brisbane St, Dubbo

Staying Connected When Emotions Run High – For Carers: Bathurst workshop

Families, foster families, partners, friends and carers who support someone aged from 12 to 100 years: Staying Connected When Emotions Run High – For Carers is for you.

This free workshop will provide attendees with additional communication skills to support someone aged 12 years and up who experiences any of the following:

  • relationship difficulties
  • demonstrates changing emotions and strong overwhelming feelings that can make communication difficult
  • sometimes behaves in a way that makes them a danger to themselves or others.

These symptoms can be experienced in those with mental health issues, drug and alcohol dependence, developmental and learning disorders. This workshop aims to empower families and carers with relationship skills, understanding and hope.

Child, adolescent and family psychiatrist Dr Annemaree Bickerton and Family and Carer Mental Health Program clinical coordinator for the Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Toni Garretty bring their expertise to facilitate.

This workshop is free to attend, courtesy of sponsorship by CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes. Registrations are essential, and close on Monday January 20, 2025.

To RSVP phone 02 6883 4600 or email

Morning tea and lunch provided, please advise of any dietary requirements.

For further information contact:

Belinda Byrne

Phone: 0409 334 191



Kelly Leonard

Phone: 0419 869 961


Time : 8.45am sign-in, 9.15am start - 3.30pm

Date : 11/02/2025

Location : The Greens, 29 William St, Bathurst

Staying Connected When Emotions Run High – for Professionals: Dubbo workshop

Staying Connected When Emotions Run High – for Professionals is a learning opportunity not to be missed. Child, adolescent and family psychiatrist Dr Annemaree Bickerton and Family and Carer Mental Health Program clinical coordinator for the Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD Toni Garretty bring their expertise to facilitate.

This free workshop is based on the highly successful intervention for families and carers and introduces professionals to frameworks and relationship strategies that can become a resource to people aged 12 to 100 years who:

  • have changeable and overwhelming emotions
  • who display impulsive and destructive behaviour OR
  • have a diagnosis of marked emotion dysregulation

Learning Outcomes:

  • Increased understanding of emotional distress and dysregulation
  • Identify the “four carer dances” and their role in emotion dysregulation
  • Knowledge of the “five key relationship strategies” to become a helpful resource to someone in distress
  • Understanding “relationship triangles” – Karpman’s Model
  • Introducing the concept of safety planning “like a fire drill” to promote safety when distress or risk escalates

Who should attend? Those working in private and public sectors across health, education, disability, community services, child protection and emergency services.

A workbook is provided to professional participants and certificate recording 6.5 hours is available at the completion of training.

This workshop is free to attend, courtesy of sponsorship by CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes. Registrations are essential, and close on Monday February 17, 2025.

To RSVP phone 02 6883 4600 or email

Morning tea and lunch provided, please advise of any dietary requirements.

For further information contact:

Belinda Byrne

Phone: 0409 334 191



Kelly Leonard

Phone: 0419 869 961



Time : 8.30am - 4.30pm

Date : 03/03/2025

Location : Dubbo RSL Club, 178 Brisbane St, Dubbo

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Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes