Children’s Contact Services enable children of separated parents to have safe contact with the parent they do not live with, in circumstances where parents are unable to manage their own contact arrangements, through facilitated changeover, supervised visits, off-site supervision, supported monitored visits, telephone/ internet-based supervision, unsupervised on-site visits, conduct appropriate referrals and reports to court.
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Our Men’s Behaviour Change Program, ‘SEEDS’, supports men who cause harm to change their behaviours that stem from the deeply entrenched attitudes and beliefs that trigger domestic and family violence. Support is provided through a combination of group work, individual support and case management.
SEEDS stands for Support, Educate, Empower, Develop Skills.
Sustaining Tenancies in Social Housing helps people living in social housing who are at risk of tenancy failure to address the issues that are affecting their tenancy. The program aims to help tenants either maintain their existing tenancy (with no further breaches) or make a positive exit into other accommodation.
Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) offers support to women with or without children who wish to stay in their own home or a home of their choosing while leaving domestic and family violence. When the women and children can remain in their home we advocate for them with local police, complete safety plans and safety audits on the home, access to legal support, victim service claims, counselling, support groups and ongoing support within their community. If they need to leave the home, we can also seek other safe forms of accommodation.