Call: 1800 067 067

Youth at risk of homelessness

Reconnect Housing Assistance and Homelessness Prevention is specifically targeted to young people aged between 12-18 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and their families. Approximately half the participants are indigenous. The program proactively seeks to support young people who are at risk of becoming homeless due to family and relationship breakdowns, disconnection from the community, education and employment barriers, substance abuse, poor mental health, peer pressure and a lack of opportunities.

Within 24 hours of referral or contact, CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes will provide intervention and support, a needs assessment and a case plan.

Reconnect is funded by the Department of Social Services.

Contact Us


Send an enquiry using the form below. You only need to tell us as much information as you’re comfortable with.


Call 1800 067 067. Monday – Friday, 9am – 5:00 to speak to our team. You can also call your local CCWF office directly.


We have 17 offices across our diocese. Find your local office.