Following the success of the CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Women’s Gathering held in Forbes on March 28, organisers are taking it on the road to host similar events in Parkes, Condobolin, Peak Hill and again in Forbes.
Wendy McMaugh, a CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes support worker said the response was overwhelmingly positive to the first event which was attended by around 40 women and featured several speakers addressing health, legal and practical life solutions.
“The feedback from our first gathering was phenomenal. It was an informative and positive day with many people pleased to hear from other women and mums with similar experiences,” Ms McMaugh said.
“Women’s lives are busy, so we are inviting all women to just stop for a couple of hours, enjoy a nice lunch and be inspired by our amazing guest speakers,” she added.
Guest speaker Anny Druett will be speaking at all the venues with a local guest speaker to also feature at each event.
Anny Druett is a well recognised speaker, trainer and coach. Anny is a descendent of the Ngema mob and a granddaughter of Peal Mary (Gambanyi) Gibbs.
“My Nanna had a huge influence on my life. Pearl was a maverick, she was one of those women who was well before her time,” Ms Druett said.
Pearl Gibbs helped plan the 1938 Day of Mourning on Australia Day and set up the Aboriginal Australian fellowship in the early 1950s, an early petition for Indigenous rights. She was the first and only woman to sit on the Aborigine’s Welfare Board and established an hostel in Dubbo for Aboriginal people needing medical treatment. Pearl had her three children taken from her when her marriage to English born naval steward, Robert James Gibbs, broke up. She was one of the driving forces behind the 1967 referendum when Australians voted overwhelmingly to include Aboriginal people in the census and to allow the Commonwealth to create laws for them.
“There is strength in women coming together – we support, empower and foster positive community relationships for all women. This in turn has longer term benefits for overall wellness and improved family outcomes and our community,” Ms McMaugh said.
“Following our first women’s gathering in March, people have been asking when we will do it again and now, we are. The day has been made possible through funds from the Manage Your Income Program which assists women in all financial matters. Through MYI women gain knowledge and confidence can work towards a life with less or no financial stress, a better future for their families.
The MYI program will also be offering a FREE service to obtain a birth certificate for those who need them and attend on the day.