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Media Releases

Inaugural Art Competition Winners

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes has announced the winner of its inaugural Aboriginal Art Competition as Raymond Thorpe, an artist from Forbes.
“There was considerable interest in the competition and Mr Thorpe’s outstanding work was selected from some exceptional pieces,” CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes CEO, Anne-Marie Mioche said.
As CatholicCare’s first Aboriginal Art competition, artists from throughout the diocese were invited to submit a contemporary or traditional entry on any subject.
“The calibre of entries was impressive and we hope will only continue, along with the number of entries, each year we continue to host this Aboriginal Art Competition.”
“We know there is a lot of talent in our diocese and this competition is just one way we can showcase our exceptionally talented artists,” she added.
Mr Thorpe’s work is a colourful and detailed image featuring two platypus (biladurangs) synonymous with our waterways running through our diocese. Traditional and intricate dot painting techniques were used to depict the communities, land and water. The artwork is entitled Platypus Waterholes and depicts a male and female coming together to make their family and to bring them up in safe waterholes. Mr Thorpe’s work is on display at the CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Corporate Services office in Lachlan Street, Forbes.
Second place was a painting by Stephen Moore from Dubbo, entitled Two Bruthas and tells a story of the bond of these brothers and although life has taken them on their own journeys they always come back to the bush where they belong.
Third place was by Cheree Stokes of Trundle and symbolises a tree of life with its many branches depicting the different services CatholicCare offers to people in need. She also painted the river, spears and families using traditional dot painting techniques to show life journeys through time.
The winning artwork will now feature commercially in CatholicCare branding and promotional material.

Smoke Free For World No Tobacco Day

Funding for nicotine replacement therapy products from the NSW Ministry of Health has prompted CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes and Narromine Pharmacy to partner up and develop packs to help people give up smoking for good on World No-Tobacco Day on Friday, May 31.
CathcolicCare Wilcannia-Forbes and Narromine Pharmacy staff will also host an information stand outside the pharmacy on World No Tobacco Day and will be on hand with practical resources and kits to help people kick the habit for good.
The NSW Ministry for Health has a specific target to address high smoking, particularly in Aboriginal communities and funded $500 worth of nicotine replacement therapy. Narromine Pharmacy owner Felicity Roberts has generously donated more products to increase the number of packs to be distributed, to help as many people willing to give up for good.
“Narromine is a small community, yet smoking has a really negative impact on the health and well being of so many families, by partnering with CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes we are just trying to help out for the good health of all our community,” Pharmacist Mrs Roberts said.
It is estimated tobacco causes almost three million deaths from cardiovascular diseases every year.
“The focus this year of World No Tobacco Day is on tobacco and lung health. The campaign will increase awareness of the negative impact on people’s lung health, from cancer to chronic respiratory disease, such as asthma,” Mrs Roberts added.
Jane Kemp, CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Aboriginal Strategic Development Leader, acknowledged giving up smoking is not easy.
“We know it is really hard and that is why we are working with the pharmacy to give away packs, which will include patches, lozenges and other resources to help people through the hardest part of giving up,” Ms Kemp said.
“We are really grateful for NSW Health and the Narromine Pharmacy’s support to make up these packs. This backing means more people can have access to advice and resources, which will hopefully help them quit for life,” she added.
Tobacco smoke is the primary cause for lung cancer, responsible for over two thirds of lung cancer deaths globally. Second-hand smoke exposure at home or in the work place also increases risk of lung cancer.
Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of lung cancer after 10 years of quitting smoking, risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker.
Infants exposed in-utero to tobacco smoke toxins, through maternal smoking or maternal exposure to second-hand smoke, frequently experience reduced lung growth and function. Young children exposed to second-hand smoke are at risk of the onset and exacerbation of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and frequent lower respiratory infections.
Globally, an estimated 165 000 children die before the age of 5 of lower respiratory infections caused by second-hand smoke. Those who live on into adulthood continue to suffer the health
consequences of second-hand smoke exposure.
Tobacco smoke is a very dangerous form of indoor air pollution: it contains over 7 000 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. Smoke can linger in the air for up to five hours, putting those exposed at risk of lung cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and reduced lung function.
“We are willing to help whoever we can, especially parents and members of our community, who are trying to improve their own health, and that of their children, by protecting them from the harm caused by tobacco,” Mrs Roberts added.

Women’s Gathering Inspires, April 2019

Women’s lives are busy and demanding and CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes gathered a group to share advice and inspiration to help make the everyday a bit easier.
Organised by Wendy McMaugh, a support worker with CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes, the Women’s Gathering, held on Thursday, March 28, addressed health, legal and practical solutions with over 40 women attending.
The day came about following requests from members of Forbes Women’s Group, which meets every Thursday at 10am at the Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre for support and skills.
“We all shared life skills in a relaxed exchange with a host of topics, including an introduction to power tools (Bunnings), financial wellbeing (CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes), women’s health (Community Health), legal issues (Binaaal Billa and Julianna Kneebone Solicitors) and so much more.
“It was a day of support, empowerment and to foster positive community relationships for women, which has longer term benefits for overall wellness and improved family outcomes,” Ms McMaugh said.
The feedback from the day has been phenomenal. It has been hailed as an informative and positive day with many people pleased to hear from other women and mums with similar experiences.
One lady attending shared her very personal story coming from a violent situation and after working with many agencies she is now happy and confident, living in her own home.
“The Women’s Gathering was planned to support, empower and foster positive community relationships for women and many of the speakers stayed around to keep chatting with the women who attended, it was really lovely,” Ms McMaugh said.
“People are already asking when we will do it again and we are hoping we may be able to host a short series of similar events in the future,” she added.
The topics addressed on the day include menopause, addictions, legal information for separations and custody as well as practical sessions such as what to do if your wallet is lost or stolen. Guest speakers, Gabe McMillan and Jenny Webb, discussed their work life balance. Demonstrations were held on power tools and one speaker addressed earning an income from home.
Supporters for the day include, Housing NSW, Forbes CWA branch, Binaal Billa Julia Kneebone Solicitors, Bunnings, NSW Ambulance Service, Breastscreen NSW, Blue Sky Outdoor, Kylie Spice (Mary Kay) and Community Health.
WG 1 – CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Administration and Support officer, Karen McNamara, CWA members Dot Woodcott and Anne Grayson.
WG2 – Nancy Hill enjoyed the company of Kylie Spice from Mary Kay and Kelly Bowden from Binaal Billa.
WG3 – Stacie and her son Ocean really enjoyed the event. Stacie was so inspired on the day she shared her personal story with all the guests.
WG 4 and 5 – There has been high praise from those who attended the Women’s Gathering in Forbes last month.