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Families & Relationships

Broken Hill Children’s Contact Service

Children’s Contact Services enable children of separated parents to have safe contact with the parent they do not live with, in circumstances where parents are unable to manage their own contact arrangements, through facilitated changeover, supervised visits, off-site supervision, supported monitored visits, telephone/ internet-based supervision, unsupervised on-site visits, conduct appropriate referrals and reports to court.

Men’s Behaviour Change Program

Our Men’s Behaviour Change Program, ‘SEEDS’, supports men who cause harm to change their behaviours that stem from the deeply entrenched attitudes and beliefs that trigger domestic and family violence. Support is provided through a combination of group work, individual support and case management. SEEDS stands for Support, Educate, Empower, Develop Skills.

Aboriginal Men’s Programs

The Aboriginal Men’s Programs aims to improve mental and physical wellbeing of Aboriginal men through the delivery of cultural camps, workshops, education and individual support. Empowering our men, through learning and experiences, empowers them as individuals to go and teach the next generation. Understanding culture will bring greater expectations of knowing the kinships that are very …

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Men and Family Relationships

The Men and Family Relationships program helps improve the health and wellbeing of men and their families by providing tailored services to develop and maintain positive family relationships at all stages. Through one on one support, counselling, education and activities emphasising men being present and engaged. Self care, positive relationships and community involvement are the …

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Separating parents

The CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Regional Family Dispute Resolution program aims to reestablish positive and productive relationships between separated parents to ensure their children are cared for, supported and nurtured. Equitable property settlement support can also be provided to ensure both parties can have financial security. Children have the right to spend time with both their parents …

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