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0-18 years old

Young Children

Targeted Early Intervention (formerly Families NSW) provides a mix of activities for families with children aged 0-8 including parenting education, supported playgroups and intensive family support. There is a high need for these services for families who experience crisis or are struggling with their roles as parents and need extra support. The Department of Communities …

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Youth at risk of homelessness

Reconnect Housing Assistance and Homelessness Prevention is specifically targeted to young people aged between 12-18 who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and their families. Approximately half the participants are indigenous. The program proactively seeks to support young people who are at risk of becoming homeless due to family and relationship breakdowns, disconnection …

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Youth Mental Health

CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes’ Family Mental Health Support Service helps young people aged between 0-18 who are at risk of or showing early signs of mental illness. Individual services include support to young people and their families and mental health well-being programs. The program also participates widely in community events to raise awareness of early intervention and …

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